Friday, June 25, 2010

Another Wal-Mart Trip

Ahh, it's so nice to be home. I just spent two hours in the toy aisles of walmart letting my kids look for things. Bear decided on the "Spider-Sense Spiderman." It's pretty cool, it has a button that makes his eyes and the spider on his chest light up. I give it two days before it's in the pool and broken. He had an easy time finding his toy, took him under 3 minutes.

Riene, on the other hand, spent the better part of two hours trying to find a toy. She always aims for the big boxes, chanting, "How about this?"

"No, it's too expensive. You're not spending more than your brother this time."

"This one?"

"No, you're not spending more than your brother this time."

And on and on it went...

I ended up telling her no, made her leave the toy section, and picked out a disposable camera for her. As we were walking away from the toy section, she started to pout and cry, so I said, "I know what the problem is - You're just like me, you're too picky and you want too much."

She was really happy with the camera, though. Ree loves taking pictures. I should probably get her a digital camera for christmas, but damn, money's going to be tight until I finish school.

My feet hurt now. I'm going to watch "Merlin" on Syfy.

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